Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1201.4607 (Hugh S. Hudson et al.)

X-Ray Searches for Solar Axions    [PDF]

Hugh S. Hudson, L. W. Acton, E. DeLuca, I. G. Hannah, K. Reardon, K. Van Bibber
Axions generated thermally in the solar core can convert nearly directly to X-rays as they pass through the solar atmosphere via interaction with the magnetic field. The result of this conversion process would be a diffuse centrally-concentrated source of few-keV X-rays at disk center; it would have a known dimension, of order 10% of the solar diameter, and a spectral distribution resembling the blackbody spectrum of the solar core. Its spatial structure in detail would depend on the distribution of mass and field in the solar atmosphere. The brightness of the source depends upon these factors as well as the unknown coupling constant and the unknown mass of the axion; this particle is hypothetical and no firm evidence for its existence has been found yet. We describe the solar magnetic environment as an axion/photon converter and discuss the upper limits obtained by existing and dedicated observations from three solar X-ray observatories: Yohkoh, RHESSI, and Hinode
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.4607

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