Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1107.4368 (James Aird et al.)

PRIMUS: The dependence of AGN accretion on host stellar mass and color    [PDF]

James Aird, Alison L. Coil, John Moustakas, Michael R. Blanton, Scott M. Burles, Richard J. Cool, Daniel J. Eisenstein, M. Stephen M. Smith, Kenneth C. Wong, Guangtun Zhu

1202.0846 (A. A. Abdo et al.)

Spectrum and Morphology of the Two Brightest Milagro Sources in the Cygnus Region: MGRO J2019+37 and MGRO J2031+41    [PDF]

A. A. Abdo, B. T. Allen, T. Aune, D. Berley, E. Bonamente, G. E. Christopher, T. DeYoung, B. L. Dingus, R. W. Ellsworth, J. G. Galbraith-Frew, M. M. Gonzalez, J. A. Goodman, C. M. Hoffman, P. H. Huentemeyer, B. E. Kolterman, J. T. Linnemann, J. E. McEnery, A. I. Mincer, T. Morgan, P. Nemethy, J. Pretz, J. M. Ryan, P. M. Saz Parkinson, G. Sinnis, A. J. Smith, V. Vasileiou, G. P. Walker, D. A. Williams, G. B. Yodh

1202.0868 (Y. Takeuchi et al.)

Suzaku X-ray Imaging of the Extended Lobe in the Giant Radio Galaxy NGC6251 Associated with the Fermi-LAT Source 2FGLJ1629.4+8236    [PDF]

Y. Takeuchi, J. Kataoka, L. Stawarz, Y. Takahashi, K. Maeda, T. Nakamori, C. C. Cheung, A. Celotti, Y. Tanaka, T. Takahashi

1202.1034 (Dmitry Malyshev)

Spectral components analysis of diffuse emission processes    [PDF]

Dmitry Malyshev

1202.1064 (Tinggui Wang et al.)

Extreme Coronal Line Emitters: Tidal Disruption of Stars by Massive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei?    [PDF]

Tinggui Wang, Hongyan Zhou, S. Komossa, Huiyuan Wang, Weimin Yuan, Chenwei Yang

1202.1096 (YuanJie Du et al.)

Radio-to-TeV Phase-resolved Emission from the Crab Pulsar: The Annular Gap Model    [PDF]

YuanJie Du, GuoJun Qiao, Wei Wang

1202.1102 (J. J. E. Kajava et al.)

Evolution of the spectral curvature in the ULX Holmberg II X-1    [PDF]

J. J. E. Kajava, J. Poutanen, S. A. Farrell, F. Grisé, P. Kaaret

1202.1123 (Shuang-Nan Zhang et al.)

Modeling pulsar time noise with long term power law decay modulated by short term oscillations of the magnetic fields of neutron stars    [PDF]

Shuang-Nan Zhang, Yi Xie

1202.1128 (L. Guillemot et al.)

Discovery of the millisecond pulsar PSR J2043+1711 in a Fermi source with the Nancay Radio Telescope    [PDF]

L. Guillemot, P. C. C. Freire, I. Cognard, T. J. Johnson, Y. Takahashi, J. Kataoka, G. Desvignes, F. Camilo, E. C. Ferrara, A. K. Harding, G. H. Janssen, M. Keith, M. Kerr, M. Kramer, D. Parent, S. M. Ransom, P. S. Ray, P. M. Saz Parkinson, D. A. Smith, B. W. Stappers, G. Theureau

1202.1182 (Manel Perucho et al.)

Anatomy of helical relativistic jets: The case of S5 0836+710    [PDF]

Manel Perucho, Yuri Y. Kovalev, Andrei P. Lobanov, Philip E. Hardee, Ivan Agudo

1202.1184 (D. T. Cameron et al.)

Correlated X-ray/Ultraviolet/Optical variability in the very low mass AGN NGC 4395    [PDF]

D. T. Cameron, I. Mc Hardy, T. Dwelly, E. Breedt, P. Uttley, P. Lira, P. Arevalo

1202.1191 (M. H. Erkut)

On the high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations from black holes    [PDF]

M. H. Erkut