Friday, December 16, 2011

1004.3772 (R. A. Konoplya et al.)

Long life of Gauss-Bonnet corrected black holes    [PDF]

R. A. Konoplya, A. Zhidenko

1112.3349 (G. Ghisellini)

Powerful extragalactic jets    [PDF]

G. Ghisellini

1112.3351 (Nicolas Yunes et al.)

Gravitational Waves from Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals as Probes of Scalar-Tensor Theories    [PDF]

Nicolas Yunes, Paolo Pani, Vitor Cardoso

1112.3448 (Thierry Foglizzo et al.)

A Shallow Water Analogue of the Standing Accretion Shock Instability: Experimental Demonstration and Two-Dimensional Model    [PDF]

Thierry Foglizzo, Frédéric Masset, Jérôme Guilet, Gilles Durand

1112.3462 (Rodrigo Negreiros et al.)

Cooling of young neutron stars in GRB associated to Supernova    [PDF]

Rodrigo Negreiros, Remo Ruffini, Carlo Luciano Bianco, Jorge A. Rueda

1112.3463 (Horacio Olivares Pilón)

He$_2^{3+}$ and HeH$^{2+}$ molecular ions in a strong magnetic field: the Lagrange mesh approach    [PDF]

Horacio Olivares Pilón

1112.3525 (Kentaro Nagamine et al.)

Gas Accretion onto a Supermassive Black Hole: a step to model AGN feedback    [PDF]

Kentaro Nagamine, Paramita Barai, Daniel Proga

1112.3561 (A. Colaiuda et al.)

Coupled polar-axial magnetar oscillations    [PDF]

A. Colaiuda, K. D. Kokkotas

1112.3592 (Dirk Lennarz et al.)

A unified supernova catalogue    [PDF]

Dirk Lennarz, David Altmann, Christopher Wiebusch

1112.3645 (Sujeet Akula et al.)

Higgs Boson Mass Predictions in SUGRA Unification and Recent LHC-7 Results    [PDF]

Sujeet Akula, Baris Altunkaynak, Daniel Feldman, Pran Nath, Gregory Peim

1112.3648 (Ashley L. King et al.)

An Extreme X-ray Disk Wind in the Black Hole Candidate IGR J17091-3624    [PDF]

Ashley L. King, Jon M. Miller, John Raymond, Andy C. Fabian, Chris S. Reynolds, Tim R. Kallman, Dipankar Maitra, Edward M. Cackett, Michael P. Rupen