Wednesday, December 19, 2012

1212.4362 (S. Klepser et al.)

Application of a generalized likelihood ratio test statistic to MAGIC data    [PDF]

S. Klepser, J. Krause, J. Sitarek for the MAGIC collaboration
The commonly used detection test statistic for Cherenkov telescope data is Li & Ma (1983), Eq. 17. It evaluates the compatibility of event counts in an on-source region with those in a representative off-region. It does not exploit the typically known gamma-ray point spread function (PSF) of a system, and in practice its application requires either assumptions on the symmetry of the acceptance across the field of view, orMonte Carlo simulations.MAGIC has an azimuth-dependent, asymmetric acceptance which required a careful review of detection statistics. Besides an adapted Li & Ma based technique, the recently presented generalized LRT statistic of [1] is now in use. It is more flexible, more sensitive and less systematics-affected, because it is highly customized for multi-pointing Cherenkov telescope data with a known PSF. We present the application of this new method to archival MAGIC data and compare it to the other, Li&Ma-based method.
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