Friday, October 12, 2012

1210.3330 (Elizabeth Rivers et al.)

A Suzaku Observation of Mkn 590 Reveals a Vanishing Soft Excess    [PDF]

Elizabeth Rivers, Alex Markowitz, Refiz Duro, Richard Rothschild
We have analyzed a long-look Suzaku observation of the Seyfert 1.2 Mkn~590. We aimed to measure the Compton reflection strength, Fe K complex properties and soft excess emission as had been observed previously in this source. The Compton reflection strength was measured to be in the range 0.2-1.0 depending on the model used. A moderately strong Fe \ka emission line was detected with an equivalent width of ~120+/-25 eV and an Fe Kb line was identified with an equivalent width of ~30+/-20 eV, although we could not rule out contribution from ionized Fe emission at this energy. Surprisingly, we found no evidence for soft excess emission. Comparing our results with a 2004 observation from XMM-Newton we found that either the soft excess has decreased by a factor of 20-30 in 7 years or the photon index has steepened by 0.10 (with no soft excess present) while the continuum flux in the range 2-10 keV has varied only minimally (10%). This result could support recent claims that the soft excess is independent of the X-ray continuum.
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