Friday, July 6, 2012

1207.1219 (A. Güneydaş et al.)

Growing Magnetic Fields of Young Pulsars    [PDF]

A. Güneydaş, K. Y. Ekşi
A nascent neutron star may be exposed to fallback accretion soon after the proto-neutron star stage. This high accretion episode can submerge the magnetic field deep in the crust. The diffusion of the magnetic field back to the surface will take hundreds to millions of years depending on the amount of mass accreted and the consequent depth the field is buried. Neutron stars with large kick velocities will accrete less amount of fallback material leading to shallower submergence of their fields and shorter time-scales for the growth of their fields. We confirm this predicted inverse relation between the measured transverse velocities and the field growth time-scales inferred from the measured braking indices.
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