Friday, March 16, 2012

1203.3197 (Hasan Yuksel et al.)

The Centaurus A Ultrahigh-Energy Cosmic Ray Excess and the Local Extragalactic Magnetic Field    [PDF]

Hasan Yuksel, Todor Stanev, Matthew D. Kistler, Philipp P. Kronberg
The ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray anisotropies discovered by the Pierre Auger Observatory give the potential to finally address both the particles' origins and properties of the nearby extragalactic magnetic field (EGMF). We examine the implications of the excess of ~ 10^20 eV events around the nearby radio galaxy Centaurus A. We find that, if Cen A is the source of these cosmic rays, the angular distribution of events constrains the EGMF strength within several Mpc of the Milky Way to > 20 nG for a proton composition. Our conclusions suggest that either the observed excess is a statistical anomaly or the local EGMF is stronger then conventionally thought. We discuss the implications of this field, including UHECR scattering from more distant sources, time delays from transient sources, and the possibility of using magnetic lensing signatures to attain tighter constraints.
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