Tuesday, January 10, 2012

1110.1474 (P. A. Curran et al.)

IGR J17448-3232 point source: A blazar candidate viewed through the Galactic centre?    [PDF]

P. A. Curran, S. Chaty, J. A. Zurita Heras, J. A. Tomsick, T. J. Maccarone
The error region of the INTEGRAL source, IGR J17448-3232, contains an X-ray point source at the edge of a ~3' radius extended X-ray source. It has been suggested that the extended emission is a young supernovae remnant (SNR) while the point source may be an isolated neutron star, associated with the SNR, that received a kick when the supernova occurred. We identify the infrared counterpart of the X-ray point source, visible from 2.2 to 24 microns, and place limits on the flux at longer wavelengths by comparison with radio catalogues. Multi-wavelength spectral modeling shows that the data are consistent with a reddened and absorbed single power law over five orders of magnitude in frequency. This implies non-thermal, possibly synchrotron emission that renders the previous identification of this source as a possible pulsar, and its association to the SNR, unlikely; we instead propose that the emission may be due to a blazar viewed through the plane of the Galaxy.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.1474

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