Friday, December 23, 2011

1112.5312 (Shota Kisaka et al.)

TeV cosmic ray electrons from millisecond pulsars    [PDF]

Shota Kisaka, Norita Kawanaka
Recent {\gamma}-ray observations suggest that the {\gamma}-ray millisecond pulsar (MSP) population is separated into two sub-classes with respect to the pair multiplicity. Here, we calculate the cosmic ray electron/positron spectra from MSPs. Based on the assumption of the equipartition in the pulsar wind region the typical energy of electrons/positrons ejected by a MSP with the pair multiplicity of order unity is \sim 50 TeV. In this case, we find that a large peak at 10 - 50 TeV energy range would be observed in the cosmic ray electron/positron spectrum. Even if the fraction of pair starved MSPs is 10%, the large peak would be detectable in the future observations. We also calculate the contribution from MSPs with high pair multiplicity to the electron/positron spectrum. We suggest that if the multiplicity of dominant MSP population is \sim 10^3, electrons/positrons from them may contribute to the observed excess from the background electron/positron flux and positron fraction.
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