Wednesday, December 7, 2011

1112.1123 (A. Chashkina et al.)

Magnetic field estimates for accreting neutron stars in massive binary systems and models of magnetic field decay    [PDF]

A. Chashkina, S. B. Popov
Some modern models of neutron star evolution predict that initially large magnetic fields rapidly decay down to some saturation value $\sim {\rm few}\times 10^{13}$ G, lower magnetic fields do not decay significantly \citep{Pons09}. It is difficult to check predictions of the model for initially highly magnetized objects on the time scale of few million years. We propose to use Be/X-ray binaries for this purpose. We apply several methods to estimate magnetic fields of neutron stars in these accreting systems using the data obtained by the RXTE satellite \citep{Galache05}. Only using the most modern approach for long period NSs proposed by \citet{Shakura11} we are able to obtain a field distribution compatible with predictions of the theoretical model of field decay.
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