R. A. Konoplya, A. Zhidenko
A hypothetical particle which moves faster than the light, \emph{a tachyon},
is known to be classically unstable in the Minkowski space-time. This
instability has its analog at the quantum level: small vacuum fluctuations of
the field lead to the unbounded growth of the amplitude, so that appearance of
the real tachyons in the spectrum means the catastrophic instability for the
theory. It has been conjectured a long time ago that possibly the lightest
particles with a nonzero mass, the neutrino, may be a tachyon. Here we shall
show that in the rotating and expanding Universe tachyons are stable if their
mass is less than some constant, which is related to the Universe's rotation
and expansion scales. Current upper bound on the rotation scale gives us a very
small upper bound on tachyon's mass which is many orders less than the mass of
electron. This might be an explanation why only very light particles, like
neutrinos, have a chance to be tachyons. Keywords: OPERA, superluminal
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