Tuesday, November 29, 2011

1111.6490 (Eileen T. Meyer et al.)

Gamma-ray Clues to the Relativistic Jet Dichotomy    [PDF]

Eileen T. Meyer, Giovanni Fossati, Markos Georganopoulos, Matthew L. Lister
In examining a select sample of over 200 blazars of known jet kinetic power (L_kin) and well-characterized SEDs, we found (Meyer et al., 2011) that Intermediate synchrotron-peaking (ISP) blazars may have lower gamma-ray output than high synchrotron-peaking (HSP) blazars of similar L_kin, consistent with our hypothesis that ISP blazars are less-beamed versions of HSP blazars, rather than a distinct population. Further, by using the radio core dominance as a measure of relative beaming, we find that gamma-ray luminosity depends on beaming in a consistent way for blazars ranging over all jet kinetic powers (10^42 - 10^46 ergs/s). We re-examine the gamma-ray properties of this core sample of blazars using the 1-year LAT catalog (Abdo et al., 2010). We find that for weak jets, the ratio of inverse Compton to synchrotron emission remains constant with increased beaming, consistent with an SSC model for the jet emission, while the most powerful jets show a strong increase in Compton dominance with orientation, consistent with an external Compton (EC) emission model.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1111.6490

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