Monday, October 8, 2012

1210.1702 (Y. Okumura et al.)

A fundamental theory for the range fluctuations of $10^{12}$eV to $10^{18}$eV muons in water based on Time Sequential Procedure    [PDF]

Y. Okumura, N. Takahashi, A. Misaki
In 1983 to 84, we proposed a new method in which all stochastic processes concerned are exactly taken into account as for range fluctuation of high energy muons, without introducing any approximation which may distort fluctuation effect. Now, we call it tentatively Time Sequential Procedure. In 1991, Lipari and Stanev proposed another method for the same problem. They divided the problem into two part, soft part and hard part, and applied Monte Carlo technique to the latter part. Here, we call their method tentatively $V_{cut}$ Procedure. It is well known that the procedure has been widely utilized in the analysis of high energy muon events in KM3 detectors. In the present paper, we examine the limit for applicability to $V_{cut}$ Procedure for the range fluctuation, comparing with Time Sequential Procedure. It is concluded that $V_{cut}$ Procedure give not so different values from Time Sequential Procedure on the survival probability for high energy muons, but it connotes critical problems related to energy measurements on high energy muon events due to Cherenkov light signals, owing to the inconsistency of the procedure involved. Thus, we try to the revival of Time Sequential Procedure for the establishment of more reliable theory for the observation of Cherenkov light whose origins are high and extremely high energy muons.
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